However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results - Winston Churchill

The Situation!

The management of Cardiff School of Art and Design have proposed ‘CSAD will (also) be discontinuing formal subject interests in Sculpture and in Media Arts and Performance’. We, the Students of Cardiff School of Art and Design oppose this.

UWIC management have continually refused to meet with us students to explain any of the proposed changes. We fully understand that the university needs to make money saving cuts but wholeheartedly believe that discontinuing Sculpture, which houses Performance, is the wrong way to achieve these cuts.

We ask for the UWIC management to justify and explain their decisions, which they still refuse to do. We ask that the debt be shared throughout the school, not just in the area of Sculpture.
UWIC management have received over 200 letters opposing their decision, and 1180 people have signed our petition so far, against the careless and unconsidered decisions of management.

We ask one thing...LISTEN TO US